About this Blog

I plan to travel as much I can in the next few months spending as little as I can while still having fun. Here are a few guidelines for reading this blog. If there are other aspects of the blog that you would like expained please let me know in the comments below and I will add to the list. 

1) Everything should be taken with a grain of salt. Rules are made to be broken. At the end of the day I want to have fun. 

2) This is my first backpacking trip. I will make mistakes and waste money, it is inevitable but I am hoping to help give people an idea of what they can do with their money abroad. 

2) Currencies: I try to offer multiple currencies for what I paid. Usually this will be dollars, euros, and the countries currency if applicable. However, when I initially post I will only post if I know for a fact what my rate was when I purchased. If I do not know the exact rate of my purchase I will updated the currencies at a later date. The converted currencies will have an asterik (*) next to them to signal that this rate is not perfect. These rates will either come my credit card statement and/or Google's currency exchange rate for that day. 

3) Just because I do it doesn't mean it's completely safe. Everything I do has a calculated risk. You need to know what amount of risk you should put yourself in. As I am traveling in Europe I might be able to do things people traveling in certain parts of other continents should not do. 

4) I prepaid for some of my tickets such as plane tickets and rail passes. These will be listed under the trip where I first use the prepaid item. I may mention them again in other trips but will not list the price again. In most cases, these costs did not come out of my initial starting amount. I will not factor these costs into an individual trip, country, or city, but I will included them in the grand total at the end of the trip. 

5) Blogs will almost always be posted without pictures. This isn't because I don't have any pictures, but rather because I don't have a computer. This means I don't have a means or easily uploading them to the blog. All my post will be updated with pictures at a later date so please bear with me. 

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