Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 0: Layover in Norway

Time Spent: 1 day 

Financial Damage: 
1) Plane ticket from NYC to Munich with 8 hour layover in Oslo: 193 Euros/ 223.38 USD* (prepaid) 

2) Train ticket round trip from airport to center city: 200 Norwegian Krone/ 22.60 Euros*/ 26.20 USD

Total money spent in Norway: 200 Norwegian Krone/ 22.60 Euros*/  26.20 USD*  

Today is the first day of this journey and I am completely terrified, which shocks me just a little bit because I have been excited at every point until now. With exactly $1,480.43 in my pockets I have this nagging feeling that I will run out of money leaving homeless on the streets of some random country but have decided I am going to make it work and it is going to be awesome. 

I'm stuck in the middle seat on a surprisingly nice plane for what I payed. About 30 seconds into the plane features and safety video I have decided that Norwegian is my new favorite airline. Two babies strapped to their parents decide to have a screaming match. I find this mildly amusing since I'm not yet tired. If you travel enough you are bound to get seated near a screaming baby at some point. After watching two movies I drift off to what should barely qualify as sleep for at best two hours. 

Oh Norwegian

I have an 8 hour layover in Oslo, Norway so I decided to take a day trip into the city which is only 30 min away by train. I love layovers because I feel like I'm getting two trips for the price of one, especially if heart of the city is relatively close to the airport. Norway was never somewhere I thought to go and I probably would have never flown there on my own. While buying my ticket I realize I have made the grave error of forgetting my student card in the US (though I do have some copies so hopefully someone will accept that) and I miss out on the discount student fee for the train ticket. I don't let it phase me. I buy my ticket and head toward the center of Oslo. Once in the center I wander around the city for a few hours. It is really beautiful there with great waterscapes. I spend most of my time outside of the opera house because it overlooks the water offering some great views. Eventually I head back to the airport and wait for me connecting flight to Munich. 

Oslo, Norway

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